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The Hampton University ROCKS Chapter is a tax exempt, non profit charitable organization under IRS Section 501(c)(19), purposed to provide mentorship, professional development, and fellowship to ROTC Cadets, Midshipmen, and other officer trainees on Hampton University's campus. We are dedicated to providing mentorship to the next generation of Military officers. We invite all officers, regardless of genders, ethnicity, or background to share in a professional networking experience.

Updates coming soon!

The Hampton University Chapter of The Rocks, Inc. was founded in December 2022, following a request from the Hampton University President for the creation of a chapter at the HBCU. Our initial charter members took the initiative to establish and organize an interest group. From December 2022 to October 2023, 2LT (R) Alyssa Sutton led the efforts to navigate the formal legal process required for chapter status. On October 17, 2023, the National Board of The ROCKS, Inc. officially approved the Hampton University Interest Group as a chapter. The official chartering ceremony was held at Hampton University on November 11, 2023.

Our Original Charter Members: President Darrell Williams, LTG (R) - LTG (R) Robert Ferrell - CASA Lillian Anita Dixon - CAPT (R) William Booth - COL (R) Myles Caggins, III - COL (R) Carl Faison - COL (R) Kevin Russell - COL (R) Barry Flye - COL (R) Sidney Ricks - LTC (R) Ceasar Leysath - LTC - LTC (R) Wayne Richards - LTC (R) Claude Vann, III - MAJ Joshua Lee - CPT (P) Justin Bingham - CPT Kevin Russell, Jr. - 2LT (R) Alyssa Sutton - Darren Rainey - Monica Russell -

HU Rocks Photos


Chapter Board Members



2LT(R) Alyssa Sutton


Vice President

MAJ Justin Bingham



COL(R) Carl Faison



CAPT (R) William Booth



MAJ Josh Lee

CPT Jordan Green



Darren Rainey



LTC(R) Caesar Leysath


On-Campus Facility Advisor

LTC Jasmine Jallah

Donation Receipt

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The ROCKS, Inc. is a tax-exempt non-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3) comprised of ROTC and Military Academy Cadets, active duty, reserve component, commissioned officers and active duty or reserve component warrant officers and Department of Defense GS12 and above civilians. The organization was formed to provide mentorship, professional development and social interaction to strengthen the officer corps. In addition to the R.C. Cartwright Scholarship Fund, the "Leadership Outreach" program provides the opportunity for teams consisting of ROCK members to visit Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to provide professional career development guidance to ROTC students.