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Welcome to The Phantom Warrior Chapter


The Fort Cavazos Phantom Warrior Chapter of the ROCKS, Inc., is a tax exempt, non-profit charitable organization under IRS Section 501(c)(19), purposed to provide mentorship, professional development, and fellowship to ROTC Cadets, active duty, reserve, and national guard component, commissioned, retired, and warrant officers. We are dedicated to assist retired or form military officers in transitioning to the civilian sector. Founded on the basis of mentorship, we welcome military officers and Department of Defense Civilians in the Fort Cavazos / Central Texas area. We invite all officers, regardless of genders, ethnicity, or background to share in professional networking experience.


Vision. To be the premier mentoring and networking organization to strengthen the US Armed Forces Officer Corps.


Mission. The Mission of the Rocks Inc. is to strengthen the Officer Corps by serving as a world class organization that provides and promotes mentorship, scholarship, networking, professional development, fellowship and community outreach to produce opportunities and maximize talent across the U.S. Armed Forces.


Lines of Effort / Objectives


1. Sustainable Organization

    - Increase Military Membership

    - Develop Civilian/Retiree Core

    - Establish Reciprocating Alliances


2. Leadership Development

    - Execute Intentional and Relevant LPD Program

    - Establish Structured Mentorship Program

    - Provide Safe Networking Opportunities


3. Recruiting and Outreach

    - Establish Collegiate Partnership

    - Establish High School Partnerships

    - Diversity within the Force

The ROCKS, Inc. is a tax-exempt non-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3) comprised of ROTC and Military Academy Cadets, active duty, reserve component, commissioned officers and active duty or reserve component warrant officers and Department of Defense GS12 and above civilians. The organization was formed to provide mentorship, professional development and social interaction to strengthen the officer corps. In addition to the R.C. Cartwright Scholarship Fund, the "Leadership Outreach" program provides the opportunity for teams consisting of ROCK members to visit Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to provide professional career development guidance to ROTC students.