All LPD and General Meetings will be held via ZOOM (video conferencing) unless advertised as an in-person event.
Feel free to communicate and collaborate with us via virtual and digital means.
Join the Alamo ROCKS' Socials, Fundraisers, Leadership Development and ROTC Outreach.
Wreaths Across America --- Saturday, December 14, 2024, at the Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery
Holiday Gift Wrapping Fundraiser
Saturday, December 21st: 12noon - 4pm CST
Sunday, December 22nd: 12noon - 4pm CST
Bring your unwrapped gifts to the JBSA-Fort Sam Houston Exchange located at 2500 Funston Road, Bldg. #2542, Fort Sam Houston (San Antonio), TX 78234!
Thank you for supporting the Alamo ROCKS!
Please mention, tag and post your photos to our Facebook by typing @alamorocks or #alamorocks and follow our Instagram page sanantoniorocksinc & don't forget to tag us and share your photos & videos!

Not a ROCKS Member? Sign-up today!
Member Signup
First Fall "Family Fun & Fellowship" Bowling Social at the Randolph Bowling Alley
Wreaths Across America
On 16 December 2023, the Alamo ROCKS continued their annual community service by remembering and honoring our country's fallen heroes while teaching our families at the Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery. Photos below: In 2021, Chapter members volunteered to lay wreaths on heroes' gravesites during the annual "Wreaths Across America - remembering to honor, respect and give dignity to our heroes" laying over 60,947 wreaths. #Service
National Blood Crisis
The Red Cross is experiencing the worst blood shortage in over a decade, and the dangerously low blood supply levels have forced some hospitals to defer patients from major surgery, including organ transplants. Since 2021, the members of the San Antonio (Alamo) Chapter of the ROCKS, Inc. volunteered to facilitate the check-in table, assisted with registering donors and other administrative duties during the drive and also donated blood at the Iglesia ni Cristo/Church of Church's Christian Medical Dental and Paramedical Society Blood Drive answering San Antonio area's critical shortage of low blood supply. At the end of the events, there were 88 donors and 73 units of blood collected which is 219 precious lives saved! #Service
On 9 October 2021, the Alamo ROCKS volunteered at Mission County Park, San Antonio, TX and supported the the Wounded Warrior Project's Carry Forward 5K. Members volunteered by setting up the Food and Beverage tent & Finish Line medals and water tables, and cheering & handing out medals to Veterans, Heroes, Supporters & their families as they ran in San Antonio, TX. There were approximately 2K participants. #WWcarryfoward
The Alamo ROCKS supports the Bexar County Buffalo Soldiers Association's
Historical Marker Dedication and Briefs the San Antonio Community about
U.S. Army ROTC Scholarships & THE ROCKS, Inc. Mentorship Program.
Alamo Chapter's 1st Annual Founders Day Social
LPD: Leveraging the Warrant Officers' Expertise


Mentoring the Total Force: A Commander's Perspective

Alamo Chapter HomepageAlamo Chapter OfficersAlamo Chapter ScholarshipsAlamo Chapter Membership