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HomeEventsThe ROCKS Inc. 50th Anniversary Spring Gala and Awards Banquet

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The ROCKS Inc. 50th Anniversary Spring Gala and Awards Banquet

Date and Time

Saturday, April 13, 2024, 6:00 PM until 10:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC-05:00)


Army Navy Country Club
1700 Army Navy Drive
Arlington , VA  22202

Event Contact(s)

Raymond L Bingham
Event Manager


Awards & Programs

Registration Info

Registration is closed
ROCKS Members must login to register for the event.

DRESS: Black Tie / Formal

About this event

Sponsorship Levels

1. Platinum Sponsor - $25,000.00
-Head Table Sponsor (2 seats)
-2nd table of 10 (Includes option to host 04 Cadets at table)
-Full Page Ad after Front Cover of Souvenir Program Booklet
-Event Centered Recognition - Spotlight Remarks (3 mins) *
-Sponsorship status printed on all promotional literature
-Optional Vendor Booth or display
-Listed as Corporate Sponsor on for 2024
*Theme based remarks: Year of the Family; Women in the Military, etc.

2. Gold Sponsor - $10,000.00

-Table Sponsor (#2) – Table Host Logo Centerpiece
-Full Page Ad before Rear Cover of Souvenir Program Booklet
-Full Page Ad in Souvenir Program Booklet
-Sponsorship status printed on all promotional literature
-Optional Vendor Booth or display

3. Silver Sponsor - $5,000.00
-Full Page Ad in Souvenir Program Booklet
-Table Sponsor #3 Table Host Logo Centerpiece
-Sponsorship status printed on all promotional literature

4. Bronze Sponsor - $2,000.00
-Table Sponsor
-Half Page in Event Program Booklet

Designated Program Support Sponsorship:
-Reception Sponsor - $5000
-Entertainment Sponsor - $3500
-Photography Sponsor - $2500
-Video Sponsor - $1500
-Cadet Meal(s) Sponsor - $125

Souvenir Program Booklet Ads/Recognition (Company or Individual)
-Full Page Souvenir Program Booklet - $2500
-Half Page Souvenir Program Booklet Program Booklet - $1000
-Quarter Page Souvenir Program Booklet - $250
-Business Card Souvenir Program Booklet - $100

Sponsorship Confirmation

To confirm your sponsorship support and receive a tax-deductible online payment link, please send the following information to our VP for Corporate Outreach, Mr. Quinton McCorvey Sr. ( no later than Friday, March 23, to ensure we properly recognize all contributions in the Souvenir Program Booklet.

-Name, Title/Rank, Organization; Sponsorship Level (Platinum, Gold, Silver)

Sponsorship Method
There are three ways to remit your donation: Online (Credit), Credit Card (Phone), and Check.
• Online link:
• Check: Payable to ROCKS INC; Send to PO Box 47435 Forestville, MD 20753


The ROCKS, Inc. is a tax-exempt non-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3) comprised of ROTC and Military Academy Cadets, active duty, reserve component, commissioned officers and active duty or reserve component warrant officers and Department of Defense GS12 and above civilians. The organization was formed to provide mentorship, professional development and social interaction to strengthen the officer corps. In addition to the R.C. Cartwright Scholarship Fund, the "Leadership Outreach" program provides the opportunity for teams consisting of ROCK members to visit Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to provide professional career development guidance to ROTC students.

Download Our Brochure

The National Board of the ROCKS, Inc.

PO Box 47435

District Heights, MD 20753
United States of America