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HomeCharter Members of ROCKS, Inc.






Theodore A. Adams    Harvey G. Dickerson  John McDaniels
Otrie B. Barrett, Jr. Oliver W. Dillard      John S. McLeod, Sr.
Talmadge Bartel  William H. Dillard    Clarence A. Miller (1)
Julius W. Becton, Jr.             Robert E. Fitzgerald  Julius Parker, Jr.
Leon D. Bressant                              Frank Francois III (1) James Payne
Ananias Brooks, Jr.                          Travis M. Gafford  Andrew W. Perkins, Jr.
Harry W. Brooks (1)                            Edward Greer   Homer Pettit, Jr.
Dallas C. Brown, Jr.                          James Guyton, Jr.  George E. Pitts
Luther J. Brown                                 John M. Hamilton, Jr. George B. Price
Melvin F. Brown                                 Oscar J. Harrison Hugh G. Robinson
Robert B. Burke (1)                             John E. Hazelwood (1) Roscoe Robinson, Jr.
Alfred J. Cade (1)                               Leroy Hedgepeth Richard Saxton
Richard L. Carey                               Arthur Holmes, Jr.   Otto B. Smith
Roscoe C. Cartwright                       Edward Honor  Donald A. Tapscott
Andrew P. Chambers (1)                  Eli P. Howard, Jr. Harry W. Townsend
Vernon Coffey                                   Charles Ingraham, Jr.  Milford A. Vaughn
Harold E. Collins (1)                           Cornell Johnson (1)   Ben L. Walton
Jerry Davis                                         Marion I. Johnson   James White
Thomas Davis                                   John E. Mann, Sr. (1) James E. Wyatt (1)
Frederic E. Davison                         James L. Marshall  Clarence L. Williams
Robert W. Dews (1)                            Milford L. Marshall   Clifford Young
  John T. Martin                                    Ralph W. Young

(1) Members of BLUE GEESE in CGSC class of 1965-1966 at Fort Leavenworth, KS    


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The ROCKS, Inc. is a tax-exempt non-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3) comprised of ROTC and Military Academy Cadets, active duty, reserve component, commissioned officers and active duty or reserve component warrant officers and Department of Defense GS12 and above civilians. The organization was formed to provide mentorship, professional development and social interaction to strengthen the officer corps. In addition to the R.C. Cartwright Scholarship Fund, the "Leadership Outreach" program provides the opportunity for teams consisting of ROCK members to visit Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to provide professional career development guidance to ROTC students.